
The word, Oxymel, is derived from Ancient Greek and translates to “acid and honey.” One of the most well known Greek Physicians, Hippocrates, was fond of working with Oxymels. These "acid and honey" herbal preparations were used to relieve obstruction in the respiratory and digestive tract, as well as to tonify and support the body during periods of stress.

In its simplest form, Oxymels are like a sour syrup. When added to water, they taste like a rehydration sports drink. When added to carbonated water and served over ice, they are a healthy alternative to soft drinks. The popular immune boosting formula, Fire Cider, is a well known type of Oxymel. They are alcohol free and generally loved by most people.

How to Make an Oxymel

Option 1

½ Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and ½ Honey

This is the most basic recipe for an Oxymel. Since you have already learned how to make an Herbal Vinegar and an Herbal Honey, you can now create an Herbal Oxymel.

To create your own Oxymel, combine ½ of an Herbal Vinegar and ½ of an Herbal Honey


Immune Support Oxymel

Herbal Vinegar of Anise Hyssop and Lemon Balm

Herbal Honey of Calendula

1. After you strain the Herbal Vinegar and Honey, fill a clean glass jar with ½ of the Herbal Immune Vinegar and the other ½ with the Calendula infused Honey. You may also gently warm the honey and vinegar mixture, at a very low temperature (Below 105 degrees), so that they mix evenly.

2. Bottle and label.

The Oxymel will stay good for 2 years without refrigeration.

Option 2

You can also create an Oxymel by blending everything together to begin with.


Plant material, fresh or dried

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Honey (Wildflower taste great)


Mason jar

Muslin or cheesecloth


Amber dosage bottles

Small funnel

Large bowl

Liquid measuring cup


1. Chop the fresh plant material as small as possible. The more finely an herb is chopped, the more surface area will be covered during the maceration (or extraction) process.

2. Fill your Mason jar about ¾ full of freshly chopped herb

3. Add Raw Apple Cider Vinegar until your jar is 1/2 full and top off the rest of the way with Honey.

When using dried plant material, I suggest filling your jar ½ way with your herbs.

5. Put the cap on your jar and label it.

Suggestions for label:

-What type of Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey you used.

-Whether you used fresh or dried herb.

-The common name and the Latin name of the plants used

-The date you made the Oxymel.

4. Let the mixture macerate, shake the jar every day and store it in a cool dark cabinet. Make sure the herbs stay covered with the menstrum, and add more if needed. This is a great time to put good energy into your herbal creation and visualize all the ways it’s going to help you once it’s finally ready.

5. After 4-6 weeks have passed, you can then press out your Oxymel. To start the pressing process, unscrew your Mason jar, put your muslin or cheesecloth over the top, secure it with a rubber band, and then flip over the jar above a large bowl to drain out the liquid, while separating the herb. Once all the liquid has gone into the bowl, transfer the remaining herbal mixture into a cheese cloth and using both your hands, squeeze out any remaining liquid from the herb.

6. Next, pour that liquid (which is now your Oxymel) into a liquid measuring cup. Place your funnel in the mouth of your amber bottle and carefully pour your liquid into it. The number of bottles you’ll need to store these Oxymels in will depend on the amount you initially created. You can also put the liquid back into the Mason jar until proper storage is found.

Don’t forget to label your finished product!

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